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Wolfgang's Dream, the perfect match

Well, this was fun. Really fun.

Last April we produced, with JeansMusic Lab together with Theatre Waouw and Amis de la Musique d'Aigle, Wolfgang's Dream. A "concert-theatre-art show", very much JeansMusic Lab style, all about Mozart, but with nearly no Mozart in it, a long "dream" from the point of view of the women of his life: the mother-in-law, Aloysia (his first love), his sister Nannerl, his mother Anna Maria, and his wife Constance. I composed five pieces of music for the five scenes, all inspired by Mozart's last symphony, the so called Jupiter.

The show begins with J.S. Bach (a marvelous fugue with the exact same theme of the Jupiter... yes... incredible right?) and ends with W.A. Mozart, 15 seconds of the Jupiter. But the whole rest are music pieces written for synths and live electronics and played live, nearly always based on the very same theme, between minimalism and neoclassical.

The scene was projected from the drawing of Philippe Berbier, an incredibly talented swiss artist I met here, and the texts were written by Claire Wenger and Clément Reber, the fantastic duo who codirects the Waouw theatre.

It's not every time that the match is so perfect between artists, and this time it was the case. The creativity was everywhere, sparkling around. And so was the show, powerful and meaningful. Can't wait to repropose it somewhere!

In the meanwhile... I'll work on a release of the music, keep updated! - Matthieu



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