The great adventure of this year 2024 was undoubtedly for me the writing of the Suite urbaine for cello and electronics for the BreakBachDance project (on stage next week at the Waouw theater in Aigle / A musical project which was born first of all from my love for the cello, instrument from my childhood (of course, 10 years of study cannot be forgotten..!) which still thrills me every time I hear it. My idea was that its deep, warm and full of harmonics sound could interact perfectly with the synthesizers, in a kind of "chamber music" way.

I imagined this piece remaining faithful to the path that I have been following for several years: inserting the music of the past, the repertoire that can be described as historical, into our contemporaneity. It is therefore the wonderful first suite for cello by Johann Sebastian Bach that have occupied and inspired me this year. And his music can be, as it will be during this production, played alternately in my “urban suite”.
Why “urban”? In order to explain it, we must return to the origins of the Suite: a series of dances, precisely. But codified, social, courtly. Today, on the other hand, we find a codified, social, but street dance: the breakdance. This is why, in the BreakBachDance show, we will be able to discover the B-Boys and B-Girls of the KFM Crew dancing on Bach, and my Suite urbaine.
Finally a color: red, brought by my friend Philippe Berbier, a visual artist with abundant creativity. He heard in my music the bubbling lava, the birth, the destruction. In a word: life. And these are therefore red images which accompany the listener's gaze...
I hope to be able to record this new work soon, so I can share it with you! If you haven't had the chance to come see him live!